antiAtlas Journal #5 - 2022
Video interviews with members of The Deportees’ Malian Association
Interviews by Clara Lecadet
The Deportees’ Malian Association [Association Malienne des Expulsés] was founded in 1996 in Bamako, Mali. It is a pioneering initiative of self-organization of migrants after deportation, aimed at creating the conditions for social bonding and solidarity in a moment marked by abandonment and absence of institutions. The Deportees’ Malian Association has helped to force the disqualified figure of the deportee into the public debate and to give him/her the status of a political actor. This process of politicization of deportation’s stakes was initiated through the organization of public forums allowing deportees to speak for themselves, the mediatization of the abuses and tragedies inherent in the deportation system, and campaigns against the signing of readmission agreements intended to facilitate the expulsion of Malian nationals. In this series of interviews, Lamine Diakité, Ousmane Diarra, Mariama Kémé, Mamadou Konaté, Bassékou Sibi, Souad Touré, return to the history of the association and its daily working.
(Interviews in french)
Clara Lecadet is a researcher at the French National Center for Scientific Research. She works on deportation policies, deportees’ grassroots movements in Africa and refugee camps.
Keywords: air deportation, borders, migration, civil aviation, AME, Mali
antiAtlas Journal #5 "Air Deportation"
Directed by William Walters, Clara Lecadet and Cédric Parizot
Design: Thierry Fournier
Editorial office: Maxime Maréchal
antiAtlas Journal
Director of the Publication: Jean Cristofol
Editorial Director: Cédric Parizot
Artistic direction: Thierry Fournier
Editorial Committee: Jean Cristofol, Thierry Fournier, Anna Guilló, Cédric Parizot, Manoël Penicaud
To quote this article: Lecadet Clara, "Video interviews with members of the Deportees’ Malian Association", published on June 1st 2022, antiAtlas #5 | 2022, online, URL:, last consultation on Date
Interview with Lamine Diakité, Association Malienne des Expulsés, © Clara Lecadet, 7 July 2021
Interview with Ousmane Diarra, Association Malienne des Expulsés, © Clara Lecadet, 6 July 2021
Interview with Mariama Kémé, Association Malienne des Expulsés, © Clara Lecadet, 7 July 2021
Interview with Mamadou Konaté, Association Malienne des Expulsés, © Clara Lecadet, 7 July 2021
Interview with Bassékou Sibi, Association Malienne des Expulsés, © Clara Lecadet, 6 July 2021
Interview with Souad Touré, Association Malienne des Expulsés, © Clara Lecadet, 7 July 2021